cleantech partnerships and affiliations

Cleantech for Europe collaborates with the following partner organizations and EU programmes to ensure Europe's continued climate and industrial leadership.

what we believe in

A new European industrial leadership

In recent decades, the EU has lost out to other regions in sectors like first-generation solar and digital consumer technologies. We now have an opportunity to lead the clean industries of the 21st century, generating lasting competitiveness and high-quality jobs for all Europeans. With the US spending hundreds of billions of dollars to scale clean technologies, the time to build this future leadership is now. This will only happen if Europe acts as one.

Spearheading global decarbonisation

The climate crisis is growing more urgent by the day. The EU has developed the technologies and we now need to lead the global clean transformation. Scaling those technologies is the key to climate leadership

Increasing resilience

The urgency to wean ourselves off fossil fuels and to secure critical materials, supply chains and manufacturing capacity has never been clearer. But we need to do so while creating a better, prosperous future for all. Deploying clean technologies at scale can create a new energy and resource paradigm for Europe.

what we aim for

A step-change in cleantech growth investment

While Europe is well-equipped to finance new technologies at the early stages, both public and private funders are lacking when it comes to industrialisation. We need public funding to become more accessible to scale-ups, and to mobilize private investors for maximal leverage.

A green demand shock

The scale up of clean technologies depends on strong and stable demand signals for green solutions. Securing ambitious, binding targets for adoption of clean technologies, establishing an effective and a predictable carbon price, levelling the playing field with incumbents, leveraging green procurement and creating lead markets will get us to scale faster.

Removing barriers to scale

Harmonise policies, permitting procedures and standards between incumbents and new players, between member states, and internationally, to help cleantech companies scale faster across the EU and in global markets.

who we are

European Commission CBAM Expert Group
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In April 2024, Cleantech for Europe announced that it had joined the new expert group on the implementation of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). The new group is set to provide advice and guidance on the implementation of the definitive CBAM regime which begins in 2026, including on the preparation of the final methodology for the calculation of embedded emissions of CBAM goods.
European Innovation Council (EIC)
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Since January 2023, the European Innovation Council (EIC) and Cleantech for Europe have collaborated on facilitating dialogue with public and private investors. Cleantech for Europe shares information on relevant deal-flow with the EIC, allowing capital to be more efficiently allocated towards promising European clean technologies. The EIC and Cleantech for Europe hold regular dialogues to share mutual feedback and experience on deal-making processes and the respective programmes to increase the chances of success for EIC investee companies. The two also organizations collaborate on research and analysis of the European cleantech landscape, in particular EIC portfolio companies, based on publicly available data. The partnership aims at scaling-up the next generation of European cleantech innovators and identifying market needs, which in turn can impact the EIC’s funding priorities.
European Commission Innovation Fund Expert Group
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Since July 2023, Cleantech for Europe has been a member of the European Commission’s Innovation Fund expert group (IFEG). The IFEG assists the Commission with the development of a new fund supporting the demonstration of innovative low-carbon technologies. The Innovation Fund covers innovative renewable energy technologies, energy intensive industry, energy storage and carbon capture and storage (CCS). The Group advises the Commission on the different aspects of the operation of the Innovation Fund such as its eligibility criteria, application and selection procedures, and governance. The Group also makes recommendations regarding how to maximise the benefits of the Fund by crowding-in public and private investments and knowledge sharing.
Energy Resilience Leadership Group
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The Energy Resilience Leadership Group (ERLG) is a multi-stakeholder initiative led by Breakthrough Energy and Siemens Energy that brings together corporate CEOs, political leaders, financial institutions, and startups at the technology frontier. The Group was launched at the 2023 Munich Security Conference with the goal to enhance Europe’s energy resilience by rapidly bringing emerging climate technologies to scale. Cleantech for Europe provides operational support to the ERLG and brings the perspective of innovative climate startups to potential partnerships.
Policy Voices
Policy Voices
Scale-up Coalition
Scale-up Coalition
Industrial Decarbonisation
Industrial Decarbonisation
EU Funding
EU Funding
Regional Initiatives
Regional Initiatives
Company News
Company News
In the Press
In the Press
Voices of Innovation
Voices of Innovation
Cleantech Investors
Cleantech Investors